First transnational project meeting in Pisa, March, 2022

On the 22nd – 23rd of March 2022, in Pisa, Italy we met to discuss the implementation steps of the newly approved project STIT – Smart Tools for Inclusive Teaching in VET.

The meeting was attended in person by delegates of four partner organizations and in online by representatives of two organizations. It was a good opportunity to get to know each other and also to conclude on the tasks and responsibilities of each of the six partners for producing the project results.

During the next two years, the STIT consortium will work for the elaboration and piloting of two main results:

  • “An online course for VET staff” development, in order to spread the pedagogical practices learned, beyond the project’s partner staff
  • “Survival Toolkit for VET staff” development, in order to provide a practical tool to teachers, staff, mentors who need to go beyond their academic preparation, often theoretical, with the goal to help them to better serve students with disabilities/SEN during the distance learning.

Throughout the project, partners will inform about project results via Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Location: Pisa, Italy

Date: 22-23 March 2022

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