Transnational meeting to close the project, March 2023, Italy

On 27 March, the fifth transnational project meeting within the Sparks Strategic Partnership was organized by Lascò in Caseta, Italy. This meeting was the closing meeting of the project, where we discussed what worked and what didn’t work in the collaboration between partners and what we can improve or use in future projects.
Delegates from all partner organisations attended:

Some of the things that went well during the implementation were: coordination, communication and cooperation, the visual identity of the project, the website, the quality of the intellectual outputs and the conceptual framework.

The partners also talked about things that could have gone better were: testing period for the platform, production time for IOs, a dissemination plan without so many activities.

Later, partners also discussed things that could be done differently, namely: developing the platform into a more interactive and aligned with the conceptual framework, taking into account holidays, school calendars and annual planning when setting the timeline for implementation and reviewing the number of materials and quality indicators.


Location: Caserta, Italy

Date: 27th March 2023


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